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The modern world is in a continuous movement and people everywhere are
24/7 Support
The modern world is in a continuous movement and people everywhere are
Awesome Team
The modern world is in a continuous movement and people everywhere are
Deliveries & Collection
The modern world is in a continuous movement and people everywhere are
We are the best dispatch service for owner operators and carriers. Dispatch management is the process of organizing, assigning, and optimizing the schedules and loads for drivers and managing pickups and drops. We Take Care of Carrier Packets, Insurance Certificates, Load Reporting, Rate confirmations and PODs.
24/7 Support and Monitering
Broker Updates, Email Monitoring & Forwarding, Call follow up with drivers,GPS Tracking and help for road side assistance to driver.
Billing and Recovery of Recourse Amount
The area extends from the most basic paper PODs, over PDF invoices that are sent to different email addresses of broker and factoring companies.
We also recover the missing Paperwork to recover recoursed payments